How to get to the venue:
We recommend to use Munich public transportation (MVV).

Nearest stations:
Underground U2: Königsplatz, Theresienstrasse
Tram 27/28: Pinakotheken
Bus 58/68/100: Technische Universität
Munich journey planner_timetable / MVV network map (S-/U-Bahn); More information

From Munich Airport:
The S1 and S8 S-Bahn lines connect the airport to the Munich city center at 10-minute intervals. The S1 travels via the west of the city and the S8 via the east. The trip to the central station in the city center takes approx. 40 minutes.

From Munich central station
Take the Underground U2 (direction Feldmoching) to station Theresienstrasse (3 minutes, 2 stops). From there it’s just a 5 minutes walk (450 metres).

Parking in Munich is a challenge, not only by cost, but by capacity as well. If you arrive by car, we recommend P+R parking at the Munich suburbs from where you can change into public transport. Please note that you can park at P+R parking only for 24 hours, exceptions with long-time parking are: Parkhaus Messestadt Ost / Parkhaus Fröttmaning / Tiefgarage Moosach / Parkplatz Daglfing / Parkplatz Freiham / Grafing Bahnhof