Welcome to the International Conference on Operations Research 2024

Data, Learning, and Optimization

Welcome to the International Conference on Operations Research, jointly organized by the German Operations Research Society (GOR), the Austrian Society for Operations Research (ÖGOR), and the Swiss Operations Research Society (SVOR/ASRO).
This conference is a place to exchange ideas and interact with other academics, researchers, and practitioners in the fields of Operations Research, Management Science, Data Science, and Analytics. The OR 2024 will take place from September 3-6, 2024 on the downtown campus of the Technical University of Munich.
We invite academics, researchers, and practitioners from around the world to attend and submit a paper to OR 2024. The conference is a great platform to share your research findings, discover new applications and practices, discuss trends and interact with professionals and leading experts. Join us in this experience!

Martin Grunow
Co-Chair Organizing Committee

Rainer Kolisch
Chair Organizing Committee
Co-Chair Program Committee

Stefan Minner
Chair Programm Committee

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